Driving Business Agility: What Are the Advantages of SD-WAN?

SD-WAN is a virtual WAN architecture that allows enterprises to securely connect users to applications using transport services like MPLS, LTE, and broadband. Technology professionals widely consider it for network infrastructure changes. However, not all organisations are suitable for this architecture, so it's crucial to evaluate the commercial and technical benefits that we provide below before looking for SD Wan Providers Australia:

  • Reduction In Complexity

The rise of SaaS applications has increased the IT workload, necessitating secure access and integration. Implementing an SD-WAN infrastructure from IT Consulting Sydney can simplify network infrastructure, enable centralised monitoring, simplify application control, and automate service monitoring, reducing complexity and making management easier.

  • Improved Performance Predictability

Traffic across any network does not behave in the same way and is not consistent across all applications. Due to routing protocols and prioritisation, some applications function properly one minute and not the next. Applications can be prioritised using an SD-WAN, ensuring that the most important applications receive priority. This enables IT teams to provide more consistent and reliable application performance. 

  • Simpler Management of Policies

SD-WAN simplifies user and application policy implementation, administration, and enforcement, allowing IT managers to assign different policies to different user groups. This policy-based networking simplifies service security and performance management, leading to zero-touch deployment, ensuring consistency and removing mistakes when adding new users, branch locations, or applications.

  • Cost Reduction

SD-WAN can significantly reduce costs by automating zero provisioning for new sites, users, and applications, increasing organisational efficiency. It may be less expensive than MPLS networks due to its Internet-based design and better use of existing site links. Lower link costs result in lower data volumes. SD-WAN vendors are widespread and cost-effective.

  • Enhanced Security 

Most SD-WAN providers incorporate security into their services. They prioritise providing comprehensive security solutions, including next-generation firewalls, end-to-end encryption, endpoint protection, and IPS. This built-in security allows IT departments to add user, application, and location security tools. Done to secure the network, making the overall solution more secure than the one it replaces. 

  • Increased Business Agility

SD-WAN infrastructure routes traffic to the fastest and most reliable connection, reducing network latency and jitter issues. It is application-aware, enabling IT departments to quickly deploy new applications and add new branches as network topology dictates. This agility is fundamental to the value proposition of all SD-WAN infrastructure roles, ensuring the performance of applications and putting new employees to work quickly and efficiently.

  • Template-Based Implementations

The network infrastructure is functioning properly, and templates are being utilised to save time and money when deploying new users and applications. This includes templated user onboarding, access control, application deployment, and application management, reducing errors and delivery time while reducing costs.

In the end,

SD-WANs are gaining popularity due to their benefits, such as reduced IT workload, improved employee experience, faster onboarding, and improved application performance. Many cloud service Providers Australia now offer SD-WAN services, reducing the costs associated with security implementation. These benefits encourage deeper adoption of the technology, making SD-WAN an essential component for overall business success.


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